Badger's Blog

Keg Table

I was having a bit of a sort out and I came across a old beer keg that someone had dumped in the pub car park. As it was just taking up space I decided to turn it into something useful. I needed a movable workstation for my bandsaw and thought this might fit the bill.


A keg still is a pressurised container and still had a bit of beer sloshing around the bottom of it. They are not designed to be easily opened but after some research on YouTube I found a very hi-tec solution of pushing some screwdrivers in the top.

With the keg opened I gave it a good wash out and left it to dry as I made tops and bottoms for it. As this table was only going in the workshop I made the top and bottom out of old scraps a had knocking about to go with the clearing out theme of this project. I glued and clamped the wood together then when dry I cut the circles out on the band saw. I gave the disks a rough sand as I was keeping it all rustic. I added some wooden noggins the the underside of the wood. These would slip inside the lip of the keg allowing me to screw into them.

I gave the wood a coat of briwax and buffed it to a smooth finish. Then it was time to attach the wood to the keg. I marked out on the metal where the noggins would be and drilled holes for the screws using a HSS drill bit. The wood just dropped down in to place and I drove some screws in to hold it nice and secure.











I wanted to be able to move the table about so added some casters the the base.


This has msde life on the workshop much easier. Being able to pull the saw out from the wall when I want to use it gives me much better access.






Matthew SmithComment