Badger's Blog

Tap box

Last winter we went away for a few days after Christmas. There was a cold snap and when we got back the outside tap had froze. When the water froze it expanded braking the tap off and sending it across the garden.



When it got cold again this year I thought I better do some preventative work. When I was in the garden centre I purchased a polystyrene tap cover but upon returning home I discovered as we have a irrigation system next to the tap it would not fit.


I had a little sketch and came up with a plan for a wooden box to go around the tap.














I cut out all the pieces for the box. The lid is at a 20' angle. I glued and nailed it together and when the glue had dried I gave it a coat of paint.

To close the lid I fitted a piano hinge and a roller catch. I fitted a handle then it was ready to go on the wall.



Hopefully this will offer some protection the the frost and keep the water flowing this winter.

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