Badger's Blog

Pine table tops

My workshop is based on the grounds of a pub. This makes it very hard to get work done but not for the reason you imagine. They are always asking me to do little jobs for them. The latest request was for some new table tops made from pine.


I Got some lengths of pine timber from the store then cut them slightly longer than I wanted the finished tables to be so that I could trim them square later.


I ran all the pieces over the planer to get them square.

I laid the planks together in the shape the table top would be. Then drew three lines across to make where I would drill holes for the dowels. I drew a triangle on the wood to make it easy to line them back up again.

I then used my dowel cutter to drill along the lines I had drawn.

I glued up the boards and hammered in the dowels. Then clamped the top together.

When the glue had set up I used a straight edge and circular saw the trim the edges and make the whole top square.

I wanted to put a fame around the bale so I cut some thinner strips on the table saw and then using the mitre saw cut 45' angles on them.

I clamped and glued the frame on then added dowels.

I sanded the top down then it was time to add a finish to it. I started with a dark pine stain that I brushed on and wiped off with a cloth. The next day I brushed on some hard wax oil. I let it dry for 8 hours, gave it a light sand then another coat. The next day I rubbed on some Briwax and when dry I buffed it off with my brush in a hand drill.

This is it installed back on the original base.

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